How to run multiple sessions of Teams at the same time.

Several customers and colleagues have asked me how I can run multiple sessions of Teams at the same time. So, I decided to write a short guide.

In the new Edge, the one based on the Chromium engine, you have the option to have multiple profiles.

Step 1

Create one profile for each account you want to use with Teams. I have three; work, personal and a lab user. To create a profile, click on the profile image in the upper right corner [1] and select ‘Add a profile’ [2]. Each profile you create can have their own favorites based on the need for that user [3].

 Step 2

Once you have created your profiles, select one and browse to [1]. It should either just log you on or prompt you with which account to use. When you’re logged in to Teams click on the three dots in the upper right corner [2]. Go down to ‘Apps’ [3] and select ‘Install this site as an app’ [4]. Give the app a name e.g. “Family”. Do this for all your profiles.

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Step 3

Click on the start menu and go to ‘All apps’ [1]. Browse to your new app [2] and right click and select ‘Pin to Start’ [3].

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Step 4

Arrange the tiles as you want [1]. When you click for example the ‘Family’ tile, it opens with that account. Click on the other tiles to open multiple sessions of Teams [2].

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Have fun!